This past Saturday (October 2011), we celebrated James Scott’s seventh birthday. Our family came to share in this special occasion with our eldest child. We ordered one of those bouncy toys for the children to play and jump. The weather was beautiful and all around you could hear and see the laughter of children.

It is hard to believe that seven years has passed with James Scott in our lives. As I watched him throughout the day, I again realized how much my life has changed for the better with his presence. Even though the last seven years have been arduous at times, with diaper changes, making bottles, issues of reflux and sleepless nights, my life is richer and more blessed than ever with his presence.

There is a commercial on television with the catch phrase “life comes at you fast.” This line has really spoken to me lately, especiallyas I have been thinking about celebrating Lindsey’s (our surprise second child) six year birthday in November.  Life does come at you fast and change often comes at you faster than you might want or have anticipated.

Within our own church community, there has been much change over the last twenty-six monthsThe church has received a new pastor and associate pastor (Melinda Britt)added and changed around some duties of the current staff and has begun the process of taking an honest look at the true “state of the church” and our mission for the next ten yearsWe’ve also seen the departure of two pastors (Jeff & Jim). For some, including myself, this type of change can be exciting and difficult at the same time.

Still, when our life changes or our church changes, we can beassured that God does not. In Hebrews we read, “In the beginning, Lord you founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands; they will perish, but you will remain; they will all wear out like clothing; like a cloak you will roll them up,  and like clothing they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will never end. (Hebrews 1:10, NRSV)

What I’ve learned about the last twenty-six months has made me realize that over the next twenty-six months, your lives and mine will continue to experience change. Change is part of God’s plan. My prayer for you, for me and our church is that we always remember that God is unchanging…full of love, grace, peace and forgiveness.

Pastor Scott