It has been 15 years since the death of my father (August 1997). Lately, especially with the birth and growth of my two children, I am keenly aware of how the only knowledge they will have of my father is through stories and what I share with them about him, since they will not have the opportunity to know him in this life.
I write this reflection with sadness within my heart because I miss him. He loved children, especially babies, and he would have adored James Scott and Lindsey. He also loved Beth and they immediately became friends. In fact, when I brought Beth over to my parents home for dinner for the first time we broke out into laughter during the dinner prayer because he thanked God for this woman God had brought into my life…in fact, he thanked God for any woman that God would bring into my life. Beth, good natured as she was, laughed and laughed.
Still, I know my father lives in me. One can look in my face and see his blue eyes and at my stomach and see his jelly belly. I’ve also acquired his good sense of humor and on occasion, his temper. So, when you think about it, my children will indeed know part of my father because they know me.
More importantly, we are able to know God when we know his Son. I’ve thought a lot about that this week. If my heart, after all these years, still misses and longs for my father…doesn’t God care and long for me that much more? That gives me great comfort.
My father was not a perfect man, but he did confess and put his trust in Jesus. I know that I am far from perfect. Still, I too have confessed and put my trust in Jesus and I know too that someday my father and I will talk face to face, not by what I do, but by what God has done through his Son.
The most important thing I believe that any parent can do for their children is tell them the story of Jesus and help guide them so that they can make a choice that will last forever. I believe the true Christian walk is not the absence of doubt, but in the reassurance of God’s GRACE!
May your family always be part of you and may you always know that you are part of God!
Dad, I miss you.
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