When I think about writing to pastors and leaders within the Cumberland District, I often try to consider what I should say or how should I say it so that people are encouraged, maybe inspired, but most especially called to understanding their God purpose. To be honest, there are times that I simply don’t know what to say or how to provide the best encouragement.

On one hand, I have deep convictions about the love of God, on the other hand, the news and noise of both political parties sometimes can be jarring. For me, it appears that we are in the midst of division, more so than I can remember. Likewise, within my beloved United Methodist Church, we seem to be at deep odds. The truth is that I simply am longing for alignment within our country, within my community, within our church, but most especially within my soul.

As a person who can be both theologically conservative and theologically progressive, I often find myself being pulled to be one or the other. Moreover, rather than having dialogue and deep soul searching around very serious and important spiritual matters involving the fabric of our lives, we too quickly have resorted to defining people by “camps” where you either on one side or the other.

Could it be possible that God is calling those of us who find ourselves without clarity be the ones God is going to use for clarity? Could it be that I’m without voice in a time that the only voice that I should be hearing is not my own, but that of the Holy Spirit? Could it be that those of us who call ourselves pastors, leaders, and people of faith have been talking so much that we have failed to listen and hear God in our midst?

As we approach Lent, I am calling upon the leaders of the Cumberland District to join me in simply listening, without response. I am calling upon the leaders of the Cumberland District to join me for true alignment, not for a political ideology or theological conformity, but in the ALIGNMENT of our Souls.

However, for us believers,

There is one God the Father.

        All things come from him, and we belong to him.

And there is one Lord Jesus Christ.

        All things exist through him, and we live through him.

(1 Corinthians 8:6, CEV)


It is my privilege to be your District Superintendent.

